Greg Dixon borrowed his first video camera because he wanted to capture family stories at family reunions.
Since then he has captured reunions, weddings, anniversaries, and has been asked to create many video photo presentations for Celebration of Life gatherings.
Bonnie Dixon has been the one in her family pushing to scan photos and make sure there is at least a family photo taken at every family gathering.
Jerry Smith has been keenly interested in his own family story and biography for decades.
Jerry and Tammy Smith created Heritage Biographers at http://heritagebiographers.com/
Bonnie and Greg Dixon conducted a number of video interviews with people with delicious lives for Design Your Delicious Life at http://designyourdeliciouslife.com.
So it took about 2 seconds for Bonnie and Greg to say yes when Jerry called to say that his dance card had cleared up and we could start this venture together.
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