Admit it.
You have sometimes looked at that mountain of boxes of old family photos and thought the D-Word.

Who would know? Right?
If asked, you would say something like, “‘Geez, I thought those were boxes of old Playboy (Playgirl, Sweet 16, Popular Mechanics, …) magazines you wanted me to dump.’
Still, you will feel like you have a reservation in that special place in hell next to people who commit atrocities or talk in the theatre.
Why Keep Them?
So you can’t just dump
Here are some of the reasons that may be haunting you:
- The photos are a record of your life.
- You have been entrusted to maintain the family heritage and legacy.
- Ignoring or destroying the photos would
dishonour your ancestors. - In the age of Ancestry sites and programs, many people would delight to know more about your family members.
- Everyone has interesting lives and stories worth telling.
- Some of the photos may have historical value.
- Many of the photos trigger fun memories.
But I Can’t Store Them Forever!
Yes, just having them take space in your basement or storage unit until left to the next generation won’t fly either.
So you are stuck between a box and a hard place.
You have to do something!
Why not try to make it as fun as possible?
Transform Guilt into Fun!
Have a Fun Family Photo Party
Here are some ideas to turn the drudgery into a fun event for your family.
You can try the suggestions yourself or have us help relieve some of the
Imagine the Party
You and your family members are sitting around a table or reclining in a living room with your
On a screen (the largest you have available), you are flipping through the scanned and restored photos.
‘Hey, that is Missy Springhorn! she was in my grade
‘That is Uncle Bob, I think he lived in Cleaveland and worked as a blacksmith.’
‘That is Grandma and Grampa Gunderson getting married on 1897.’
As you discuss the photos, you can record the session and add titles and descriptions to the photos.
Imagine the Gratitude
You family and friends will love seeing the photos and sharing the stories. They will be glad that you helped make it happen.
What If Your Family Is Spread Around The World?
Zoom is a great way for family and friends from around the world to join the party.
The host of the Zoom session can record the comments and share the screen with the photos.
Your people can join in on a desktop computer, laptop, or mobile device.
Make it a fun family event!
Wait a Minute! There is a Catch!
Yes. There are a few important steps skipped.
How do you transform that mountain of photos into images to view and document at the Fun Family Photo Party?
There is no escaping the fact that it will take some equipment, strategies, and a lot of time to digitize your treasures.
Options For Digitizing Photos
Here are some ways of capturing your photos in digital format for editing and sharing.
- Do the scanning yourself. You likely have a printer with a scanner built in. Dedicated scanners run from being small and inexpensive to
being capable of scanning transparencies and larger images. - Take photos of photos permanently stuck in albums or framed on the wall.
- Hire someone to do the scanning.
- Have a trusted service do the scanning.
Consider Having a Scanning Party
You might invite your family over to have a scanning party.
Scanning can go quicker if you have someone doing a quick sort and handing the photos to the people running the scanners.
Warning: A few beverages and you might not make much progress on the photos.
Could still be fun, though:-)
How Tell Your Story Productions Can Help
There are a number of ways we can help get your photo party started, starting with free. See Resources For Doing It Yourself below.
Until then, here is how we can help.
Photo Scanning and Organizing Special
We offer a special package where we create a framework for scanning and organizing your photos.
The package includes us scanning your photos, though the framework itself is where most the the magic happens.
The special price is $297 for just the scanning and organizing if you are not yet ready to commit to a Fun Family Photo Party.
See More Information.
Fun Family Photo Party Special Package
We help facilitate your Photo Party from start to finish, including:
- A Discovery Session with you to see what photos and other materials you have, what you want to achieve, how many family members you want to invite to the party.
- A Family Photo Party Roadmap that outlines the steps to make the party a success.
- Setting up a Photo Framework System for collecting and organizing the photos, including:
- A place on Google Photos where the photos will be stored.
- Create Google Drive documents for collecting stories and biographical information.
- Create a Photo Index to list the photos available.
- Best Practices Guides for labeling and documenting the photos.
- Scanning and digitizing photos that we can access.
- Coaching your family members who want to help with scanning. This is perfect if you have family members spread around the world with different sets of photos.
- Processes for having your photos and possibly video digitized by trusted services.
- Preliminary organization of the photos in the cloud.
- Editing, cropping, and restoration of key photos.
- Planning and Facilitating the Fun Family Photo Party. We will host the party using Zoom.
- Transcribing the audio from the Zoom recording to collect the names and stories.
- Update the labels and descriptions with information from the transcription.
- Make all of the collected photos and information available to family members for continuing the process.
- Provide sharing links that you can send to friends and family.
- Provide a Story Production Roadmap to provide some ideas about what you could do next with the photos and stories.
Above all, t
he end result of preserving and sharing your priceless family photos and stories will be something you will cherish for generations.
Are You Ready to Transform Your Photo Burden to a Fun Photo Party?
We are offering a special price of $597 for a limited number of families. Various payment options are available to make it easy for you.
Let’s talk about creating a fun and lasting experience for your family.
Contact us at info@tellyourstory.productions to book your Fun Family Photo Party Special.
You can also contact Greg Dixon at greg@tellyourstory.productions or 604-762-6410.
Resources for Doing It Yourself (DIY)
We can’t possible help every family who needs help throwing a Fun Family Photo Party, so here are some resources for doing it yourself.
- Google Drive is a great place for collecting and sharing family information. There are other services available, but Google Drive is a good place to start.
- Zoom and Google Hangouts are good for hosting the Photo Party and also for collecting stories one on one.
- See Tips For Organizing And Scanning Photos Without Losing Your Mind.
- Epson and Canon Scanners
- Anniversary Story Production Special
- Business Video & Marketing Special
- Free Discover Session and Story Production Roadmap
Want Us To Make Your Fun Family Story Party Happen?
Contact us at info@tellyourstory.productions to book your Fun Family Photo Party Special.
You can also contact Greg Dixon at greg@tellyourstory.productions or 604-762-6410.