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When my father was diagnosed with Cancer, I was confronted with a sense of urgency. I had not yet “rescued” all the stories about that suitcase of photos he had given me. After making this a priority in our family, we now have many hours of commentary on his life and our family history that will make a family legacy to last for generations. Now I have made it my mission in life to urge everyone with aging parents and other loved ones, to act with urgency. Future generations will thank you if you begin the four steps below NOW.

Jerry Smith, Heritage Biographer

What’s your greatest heirloom?…your family heritage!
When considering what your heirs will inherit,
don’t forget their greatest heirloom – their family heritage.

The Four Steps

  1. Rescue

    Rescue those misplaced family photos today, before they’re lost.

  2. Preserve

    Preserve those precious and fragile paper photos for 300 years.

  3. Commemorate

    Transform those photos and family memories into video stories.

  4. Celebrate

    Spread the joy! Share these precious stories with friends and family.


Rescue those misplaced family photos before they’re lost.

Help your loved one (mother, father, spouse, etc.) to collect their precious photos from hiding places in attics, basements, boxes and buried albums.

As I worked with my father and mother to gather the family photos, we found a treasure trove of memories that may have been lost. When you’ve “rescued” those photos, videos, and old 8mm films, now you can preserve their images.


Preserve those precious and fragile paper photos for many generations.

Here’s where the fun begins!

When my father gave me an old suitcase of photos he had inherited from his mother, most of them were faded and damaged.

Many of them were unidentifiable because his mother postponed passing down the heritage of who these people were in her family tree.

For those photos he could still identify, I used my laptop and connected a portable “scanner” to digitally capture these fragile photos.

Then I restored and preserved these photos to share digital copies with all of our family.


Transform those photos and your memories into video stories.

A mute photo album can never tell future generations about the person in it.

Over the years I interviewed my loved ones to “get the story behind” the photos through the wealth of their memories.

The interview process has brought me much closer to my parents and grandparents.

As a result I have several hundred questions organized to prompt recollection process. Planning family interviews to narrate those photos and then recording those memories on a digital audio or video device is the best way to identify the Who? What? and When? of those untold stories.

who what where why of stories


Spread the joy!

Share these precious stories with friends and family.

The greatest reward for my efforts was to Celebrate these video stories with my father, while he was yet with me.

Now that you’ve captured and preserved some of your own family memories and transformed them into fun DVD’s, have your own “premiere party”.

Invite your friends and family together with the guests of honor to celebrate their lives and family history.

These “video stories” can then easily be copied to DVDs—to share with all the family.

Sharing DVD copies of video stories make unforgettable gifts.

You can also post these on YouTube or Vimeo for convenient viewing anywhere in the world!

We can also create a special website to present the family stories and video productions.

Need Help Preserving Family Stories?

Contact us to discuss preserving your family memories. 

We can come talk to your group or family within a reasonable distance.


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