Greg Dixon is launching a companion to Story Productions at LifeVault.Online.
Hi provides complete creation and publishing solutions or celebrating and preserving your family stories and legacy, including secure storage of important documents.
Stories are Your Heritage and Your Legacy
Greg Dixon is launching a companion to Story Productions at LifeVault.Online.
Hi provides complete creation and publishing solutions or celebrating and preserving your family stories and legacy, including secure storage of important documents.
What is a Life Vault, you are likely asking?
I have been helping people collect, create, and publish stories, concerts, projects, and products for many decades.
A Life Vault is a collection of anything a person wants to preserve and share about their life.
It could be family stories and history.
It could be a business story, like Disney, or Ben and Jerry’s. These companies are very good at sharing their stories.
Marketing legends like Dan Kennedy talk about releasing things from their substantial Business Vault. Or selling access to their Business Vault.
I can help you build and publish your own Life Vault.
I have worked with Vancouver musician, author, and course creator Rocket Norton for many decades. He was the drummer in bands like The Seeds of Time, PRiSM, The Rocket Norton Band, H.U.N.N., and more.
I have helped him create, publish, and promote a tremendous amount of content and projects over the years, including his book Rocket Norton: Lost In Space which takes us through his musical adventures with many of the top Vancouver area and Canadian musicians that are still heard on Classic Rock stations today.
His recent F**K Cancer Benefit Concert featured members of Loverboy, Trooper, Chilliwack, Headpins, Streetheart, The Legendary Powdered Blues Band, Lee Aaron, Nick Guilder, and more. The concert raised nearly $200K for the BC Cancer Foundation.
The Rocket Norton Vault contains a growing collection of rare content, including Rocket Norton: Lost In Space, three other books, concert video clips, rare audio recordings, photos, and the entire How to Coach Baseball to Kids video course.
Learn more at https://www.rocketnorton.com/
Even if you do not see a Life Vault for yourself, you may want to create one for a loved one or your family as a way to preserve and share stories and heritage—a way to leave a legacy.
The process of collecting content and stories can be fun and enlightening in itself.
My father and mother have both passed. Our four siblings collectively have a spotty outline of our father’s life with some mysteries that could be the basis of a novel someday.
I have a vague recollection that my father rode the rails during The Great Depression. Perhaps my mother told me that. None of my siblings ever heard anything about that.
Sometimes we don’t know much about the people who are in our lives.
A Life Vault is a way to discover, preserve, and share their stories and accomplishments.
I create multimedia vaults that can contain almost anything digital, including:
There are various ways of assembling content, including:
One of the first steps is to create a content roadmap for the Life Vault and a plan for how to assemble or create each piece.
I use Kartra Memberships and WordPress to publish Life Vaults.
The Rocket Norton Vault is in a Kartra Membership because it supports all of the content we want to include, we are charging for access, and we may want to protect some of the content with special access levels.
Other course publishing platforms could work for you. WordPress and other website builders can work for public information. There are pros and cons for each platform.
I would be glad to discuss options with you. Please book an appointment at https://www.gregdixon.net/
I am working on a book and an online course for people who want to build and publish their own Life Vaults.
I can also work with you to plan, build, and publish a Life Vault for you, your loved ones, your family, or your business.
Please send me a note or book an appointment with me at https://www.gregdixon.net/ to discuss if a Life Vault is right for you.
It could be the perfect gift for the holiday season!
Necessity and a global pandemic with the mother of invention.
Say you want to video and optionally live stream your spiritual service with little investment and fuss.
Where do you start?
The Good News is that you can produce a very good recording of your service with little more than a cell phone or two and good internet.
StreamYard, riverside.fm, and Ecamm Live can all do amazing things for recording and broadcasting show, events, and services.
StreamYard is the easiest way to produce a live show.
riverside.fm allows you to have an interview or show with a quality that adjusts to the internet quality while recording the individual cameras in HD and even 4K for editing later.
Ecamm has a lot of Producer features to create very professional-looking shows while recording to a local drive.
For most services, StreamYard is where I would start. You can test easily and can create professional productions even with the free subscription.
StreamYard runs in a browser and you could livestream a service with your phone. It takes a few minutes to signup and test out your first broadcast.
StreamYard is unique in that it does not record the video to a local device. Instead it streams to a range of destinations such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Periscope, Twitch, and custom RTMP outputs.
Linking to the platforms is very easy. The paid version allows you to stream to multiple destinations at the same time. The free subscription allows you to choose one at a time.
Facebook is best if you want a live audience. YouTube is a little easier to download the video recording for future editing.
Although you could start with one or two smartphones, the ideal is to have someone produce from a laptop. It is easier to see what is going on and change cameras to solo, overlay banners, play videos, and more.
By the way, you are not limited to smartphones. Any camera that can connect to a computer or mobile device will work. I will make some camera suggestions at the end of this article. Same with microphones.
The producer can be on a computer anywhere in the world as long as there is a good internet connection. Likely the person will be in the room, providing the option of using a third camera.
The producer sends invitation links to the two people running the smartphones.
When connected the producer can see all of the cameras and has easy options for selecting solo cameras or arranging in the screen.
The process is surprisingly simple and you can probable do a reasonable job with little practice. More practice will make for a very professional job,
Here is a good review and overview of StreamYard:
Although I think you can do a simpler setup with StreamYard, this video has good insights into audio and video options to improve your production.
One takeaway from this video is that it is possible to connect almost any camera or microphone to a laptop with a few low-cost adapters.
For example, any camera with HDMI out can connect to a laptop that has an HDML adapter. From there it can be used as one of the cameras used by StreamYard or other production software.
Here is a good article on camera choices with a range of prices.
The 4 Best Camera Styles for Streaming Church Services in 2021 by Kevin Purcell.
I have shot video of hundreds of church services from Vancouver to Nashville. And countless hours editing and posting those videos.
I currently download and edit the Unity of Nashville videos from their Facebook Live broadcasts and post on YouTube and https://www.unityofnashville.org/videos.
The first broadcast started with Reverend John McLean in his office with the video from his phone sideways.
The production now includes multiple cameras, excellent sound, and a small studio audience within social distancing guidelines.
You can start there with software like StreamYard and a few smartphones or cameras connected to laptops.
Better production with far less work and expense. I love it!
I am available to consult on your production and even produce it remotely if needed.
Greg Dixon
Bonnie and I recently took a fantastic online course with Maureen Kures called With The End in Mind.
Maureen is a retired oncology, hospice, and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurse who was frustrated that people arrived at the end of their life without having their affairs in order.
That leads to confusion and fighting within the family related to health care decisions, legal permissions to handle affairs while still living, wishes for services and the body after death, and an executor for the will.
Create peace of mind for you and your family by getting all of your ducks in a row BEFORE your can’t anymore.
Maureen does a great job of stepping you through all of the considerations and steps to have all of your affairs in order. Relaxing about this may add years to your life:-)
Here is her brochure:
Register at https://www.radiantmourning.com/event-details/with-the-end-in-mind-3
Learn more about Maureen Kures at https://www.radiantmourning.com/
Your Personal Business Story is essentially your reason WHY you do what you do.
Master marketers such as Dave Dee, Kim Walsh Phillips, Amy Porterfield, Jeff Walker, and Russell Brunson often tell a personal business story as part of their introduction on webinars and sales presentations.
You may be able to tell some of THEIR stories if you have heard them many times.
It is time to practice telling YOUR business story. The business story that is unique to you.
There are many different ways you can go about crafting your story.
The following pages from Russell Brunson Network Marketing Secrets is probably the most concise model that I have seen in what he called The Epiphany Bridge Script.
Does the little stick drawing look a bit like your journey?
Try framing your Personal Business Story to follow the script.
Simple tell the story of WHY you do what you do.
And be your best authentic self.
Want Help? Contact Us
First of all, is a Personal Business Story different than a Business Story?
Often, yes. If you are a sole entrepreneur or have a business mostly based on your journey and your gifts to the world, then it is your Personal Business Story.
If you are part of a large enterprise that you started, your personal story quickly takes a back seat to the vision and why of the company. You may have started it, but the company now has a life of its own.
In 2019 Bonnie and I were traveling in the Story Van shooting interviews and recording our own videos.
We used about $10,000 worth of gear, including a large Sony camera on a tripod, boom microphone, lighting kit, a green-screen, and at least one other camera to get different angles and to make sure we had a good shot.
Then we would download the video from the cameras and edit together in Final Cut Pro.
Then COVID-19 hit.
The world changed.
Everything changed with the lockdown and travel restrictions.
Persona meetings became Zoom meetings. Live events became streaming events.
Facebook Live began to make sense.
For many people and businesses, there is not going back, even when the global pandemic is over.
It has never been easier to capture you business story or that of others with Zoom.
TellYouStory.Productions has lots of examples of doing Zoom interviews, then editing a little.
I have paid gigs where I capture Facebook Live presentations such as the Unity of Nashville Service with Reverend John McLean, edit, then post on YouTube and unityofnashville.org.
Now when Bonnie and I want to record our own stories or video posts, we simple use Zoom to record.
You can do it too.
If you are reading this, you probably have a computer with a built-in camera, microphone, and a connection.
Often that is good enough.
Simple Tips:
Assuming you have at least written an outline of your Person Business Story, simple press the Record button and start telling your story to the one person in your mind that is behind the camera lens.
Try to look at the camera lens instead of yourself on the screen.
Stop and start as many times as needed.
Try different approaches.
Edit up the one you like best.
We use Final Cut Pro. You can do simple edits with QuickTime, iMovie, or other video editor you may have on your computer. There are many online and installable options.
We can also edit your videos as a service.
Consider using more than one version at different times.
Our favourite vocal coach is Danielle Benzon of TheInspiredSpeaker.com.
Here are some quick tips from Danielle:
Check out Danielle’s Authentic Speaker Membership Portal.
You will have a lot of fun becoming a better speaker!
Here are some places where you can post your Personal Business Story:
Master marketers such as Dave Dee, Kim Walsh Phillips, Amy Porterfield, Jeff Walker, and Russell Brunson often tell a personal business story as part of their introduction on webinars and sales presentations.
Practice and hone your Personal Business Story so it is simply part of who you present to the people you want to serve.
Want Help? Contact Us
Breakthrough Coach Tina Brigley spoke with Greg Dixon of Tell Your Story Productions about the importance of storytelling and getting past the stories in your own head holding you back.
Tina is the head of Social Media Influence and Business Story Marketing at HighPerformance.Coach
Some great tips on getting over stage fright. Think of one person that needs to hear your story. It is about serving them, not about you.
A fun and inspiring interview. Thanks Tina.
Jessica is a business consultant a speaker as well as being a mother of a large family.
Bonnie interviewed Entrepreneur Jessica Koch about balancing family and business.
Now is Later, SOONER,
Jessica Koch
So do it NOW!
What started as something Jessica said to her children when they wanted to procrastinate has become a business mantra: “Now is Later, SOONER, So do it NOW!”
Jessica advocates building a team to do the tasks you don’t love to focus on the tasks that you excel at.
People Matter Most
Jessica Koch
Jessica believes that the road to success in your family and your business lies in valuing the relationships with people first.
Always give value and respect and it will return ten fold.
Bonnie Dixon interviewed Jacqueline Grant about her company, The Management Academy.
Jacqueline teaches people how to transition from their corporate jobs to becoming a consultant.
What is your passion?
Have you ever dreamed about becoming an entrepreneur?
You have skills and talents that people and businesses need.
Jacqueline shows provides a roadmap to business success, starting with Project Management skills.
Manage your way into a new business life!
You can learn about being an entrepreneur and start your business as a side hustle when working your job.
When ready, you can transition to being a full-time consultant and leave your corporate job behind, if that is what you want to do.
In the interview Jacqueline talks about her passion and motivation for teaching people how to become consultants and entrepreneurs.
Jacqueline is organizing a 5-Day business summit called Build Your Consulting Business Now.
The event will be held quarterly with on coming up soon.
Ticket for the General Admission are very affordable.
I have produced a series of videos to help you preserve and share your family heritage and your stories.
Learn how to calculate the ideal scanning resolution, store images and documents in the Cloud, and get professional results with your SmartPhone.
The ideal print resulution is 300 dots per inche (dpi).
That means if you want to print an image on 8 by 10 inch photo paper, the scanned image should by 2400 by 3000 pixels (dots).
This video shows the calculations and a demonstration of importing from a scanner to PhotoShop.
There are many scanners and software for scanning, so the demonstration is to show the calculations and general approach.
Here is a short tutorial on Storing Photos and Documents in the Cloud.
Google Drive, Google Photos, Dropbox, and others a good places to store photos and documents.
We use Google Drive for the demonstration, including creating folders, uploading files, uploading whole folders from local and external drive, adding descriptions, and more.
How to get professional results using the video camera built into a modern smartphone.
With careful placement, you can get good results with the phone alone.
I also recommend a few inexpensive additions such as a tripod, external microphone, and lighting to get even better results.
Our business was mostly to visit people and interview them in person to make a story production.
Now that is not possible during the Coronavirus lockdown.
We can still work with you to make stunning Story Productions.
The Story Production Secrets can help you to much of the work yourself.
We can offer coaching through the process and also take the images, videos, family documents, and interviews to create Story Productions featuring you, your loved ones, or your business.
Contact me at greg@tellyourstory.productions to discuss your project.
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